Hello, fellow learners of this beautiful language: English!
Today we’re going to learn new words and useful vocabulary through an interesting story.
In this story, we’ll talk about the aliens landing on earth for the first time, and we’re going to be using different words in context so you can understand and better and increase your level of English.
So let’s get started with this exciting story to level up your English!
The Day the Aliens Landed
Once upon a time, on a bright sunny day, aliens suddenly appeared in the skies above Earth.
They came from a distant galaxy, traveling in sleek, silver spaceships.
The people of Earth watched in awe and fear as the alien vessels descended to land in various locations around the world.
The aliens emerged from their ships, their strange, otherworldly forms causing a mixture of curiosity and apprehension among the humans.
They communicated in a language unlike anything heard on Earth, using clicks and whistles that sounded both eerie and fascinating.
As the world leaders tried to figure out how to communicate with the visitors, some brave individuals approached the aliens, hoping to establish a connection.
Among them was Sarah, a young scientist who had always dreamed of encountering extraterrestrial life.
With a trembling voice, Sarah introduced herself to the aliens.
To her surprise, they responded in a series of beeps and chirps, which she somehow understood.
The aliens expressed their peaceful intentions, stating that they had come in search of knowledge and friendship.
As Sarah conversed with the aliens, she couldn’t help but notice their advanced technology and futuristic gadgets.
They showed her devices that could teleport objects across vast distances and manipulate matter at the molecular level.
Meanwhile, rumors began to spread among the general populace, fueled by conspiracy theories and wild speculation.
Some feared that the aliens were here to conquer Earth, while others believed they held the secrets to unlimited power and wealth.
Despite the uncertainty, Sarah continued to act as a liaison between the humans and the aliens, hoping to foster understanding and cooperation.
She organized meet-ups where people could interact with the extraterrestrial visitors, exchanging ideas and cultural tidbits.
As days turned into weeks, the initial hysteria began to wane, replaced by a sense of wonder and excitement.
People from all walks of life embraced the opportunity to learn from the aliens, eager to unlock the mysteries of the universe.
Eventually, the time came for the aliens to depart, their mission on Earth complete.
Sarah bid them farewell, grateful for the experience of a lifetime.
As the alien ships soared back into the vastness of space, she couldn’t help but wonder what other wonders lay beyond the stars.
Slang and Phrasal Verbs for The Day the Aliens Landed
Here are the meanings in Spanish of the phrasal verbs and slang you learnt today:
- aliens — extraterrestrial beings
- clicks — sonidos de chasquidos
- beeps — pitidos
- futuristic — futurista
- teleport — teletransportar
- manipulate — manipular
- conspiracy theories — teorías de conspiración
- liaison — enlace
- meet-ups — encuentros
- tidbits — detalles interesantes
- hysteria — histeria
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SI quieres seguir aprendiendo inglés de forma rápida y divertida, entonces te recomendamos aprender todo acerca de los phrasal verbs con up dando clic aquí.